In: Design Trends

new york architecture team

03 DecNew York Architecture: The Upper West Side

The New York architecture scene boasts beautiful views overlooking the world-famous cityscape, but homes there are generally known to make you…

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architectural designer new york

29 AprArchitectural Trends in 2022: An Interview with our Lead Architect

The world is changing, and architectural trends and practices must evolve to keep pace. As the world moves towards an increasingly…

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modern kitchens 2022 sussan lari

20 AprModern Kitchens in Harmony with New Age Life at Home

Modern kitchens improve harmony with lifestyle at home. It also blends the line between the purpose and real world utility of…

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home office design friendly family

31 JanHome Office Design that Truly Works

Home office design has a long way to go to catch up to other aspects of modern home design.

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home design family room

19 NovHome Design in Harmony with Life

Most of today’s homeowners attempt to fit their lives into a home created for the 20th century.

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